Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wow! I can't believe it's been so much fun. We have been so busy having fun, that we haven't taken the time to report it . . . thank goodness for the Sabbath Day when we can take time to catch our breath.

Aubri and I are not used to late nights, and we have been going to bed past 2AM every night. We have to get up early t0 squeeze in as much fun as we can, so we are both sick with a cold now. Funny, but it seems that things are about the same at home. Mary developed a sinus infection from a cold, then Marci was sick with swine flu this last week, and Deqlyn (my 8-year old grandson) broke his collar bone in Tai Qwan Do class last week. Moose (Aubri's 6-month old Papillon puppy) keeps running away and Mary is pretty tired of having to chase after him. So sounds like Aubri and I are REALLY glad we are in Chile . . .

Stay tuned. I will have more time this week to post photos. The big push to take it all in has subsided because Sherri and Reggie left yesterday, and I was really trying to give them as many experiences as possible.

Regards to all, and we'll be back as scheduled: in Idaho Falls, Sunday, Sept. 27.

Nos vemos!


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